You've Got to Hide Your Love Away

It's just about that time in life when I can say that... everyone is getting married.

Not just distant relatives or the sons and daughters of family friends or people who used to be my church counselors, but my actual peers.  My old classmates (who I knew as very different kids) who are suddenly jumping the ladder, mature enough to make one of the biggest decisions of their lives.  Although I'm happy for them, I still always wonder... how did they find the one they love so soon, and how do they know that they're ready?  Just how?

I see all the pictures of people gazing longingly into each other's eyes and can't imagine being in that situation and being able to believe it was real.

Maybe if the right person came along at this very moment, I still would miss that opportunity because of all the flaws I still have to work on (that, eventually, would scare him away or make him regret his decision anyway).  Frankly, I don't know how to make someone happy.  I don't even know if I'm ready to be that happy myself.


Today I wore my long, vintage, wool ochre coat (the color of rich curry and 70's elegance), so long it almost reaches the ground.  I felt fabulous and warm, but yet light and fluid.

Everywhere I went today I was met with the busy chugging of trains passing through, both distant and afar.  Traveling back and forth like clockwork.

There was soft worship music all around - the grocery store, the coffee shop, the thrift store.  Here, people are trying to live in and share His love daily, it seems, with something so simple as a background hum that might catch someone's ear at the right moment, or a Wifi password, 'comeasyouare.'

And the rain.  Brief but heavy, sustaining everything in the Valley, washing away the dust.