No matter how much we have accomplished in medicine, there's nothing so fragile as life. From the beginning it seems like I've been pulled where my heart beat the strongest and the steadiest - in the midst of hope and suffering - in order to relieve it in whatever capacity I have with whatever skills God has given.
The minute I got in the car this morning I had a stronger urge to pray than usual for the moms and the babies I would see, and after tonight we clearly needed the extra acknowledgement that God is God, powerful, and good. He holds each one of us in His hand in a delicate, grace-filled balance with each breath.
In the face of these tough cases, I am surprised that I do not want to run away. I stood there firm and clear-headed with the task before us as we did the best we could for our patient, and there is no other position I would rather be in.
Praying for baby and mom, the family, the doctors, and the future.