credit: ABC News
Some 20,000 people were gathered to pay respects to Nelson Mandela several hours ago. On the news, they showed crowds cheering, inspiring speeches from prominent people, and a meaningful unity that was made possible by Mandela's life efforts. To me it seemed like a very big deal over one man - not to say that he wasn't an incredible change-maker, but I would imagine that the range of understanding of what he had done for the country and the world varied greatly from those who had never seen apartheid, to those who struggled with the man himself in prison. And yet, these people were all singing praises and thanks just the same. It seemed like a deafening space.
If that could happen for one great man, how much more amazing would it be for Jesus? When He comes, will there be people left to praise Him? How many more lives has He touched over countless years in even more glorious ways, and how much more should we be joyous over that? The souls of the past included, and those of the future that He will save. Could we all put our voices together as one and give the world a song it's been made to sing forever? How will heaven be like?