BLD has always liked to ask weird, what-if questions. During our Senior Fall Break trip, a question was posed to the group - If trying to figure out if someone is right for you, what situation do you imagine trying to fit them in?
Some examples that were given:
- While driving, she would look look over at him in the driver's seat and she'd feel safe.
- He would be entertaining guests at their home and he would turn to his wife (maybe cooking in the kitchen) and she'd naturally join in on the hosting.
And if they just don't fit for some reason, then they aren't the one. A little silly, but somewhat telling. Whatever your heart wants is what you will try to formulate, and scenarios go beyond on-paper qualities. Sometimes, you can just tell - yes or no.
I drew a blank for the longest time. Then I realized that the ones I could think of... didn't really involve a hypothetical "us" being together. And if they did actually happen in reality, I'd never get to see them anyway.
- His face breaking into a smile when he hears a song that reminds him of me.
- Chuckling to himself when he hears me being weird from across the room.
Maybe because he's not trying to show me or convince me of anything. It's just there, that love, that connection that goes beyond proximity and ego. Something like a secret or a silent prayer just waiting for you in due time.